1 Naming starts with a brand positioning from which the concept board will be derived
Document defining the whole development strategy, including the marketing, linguistic, semantic, legal and competitive environment (benchmark) as well as the creative axes of expression
2 Creation – 1st phase of creation
– Exploratory team approach
-Individual creations in different countries / languages depending on the nature of the project.
-For an international brand, the starting field is 800 names
-Presentation and selection of names with the client
3 Creative refocusing – 2nd phase of creation
Refinement and creation on the basis of the names selected with the clients
Legal control at the identical on the new presentation of the names to the client.
Selection of 5 names with the client ( 5 potential candidate to follow the full legal check)
4 Full Validation
– Legal search for similarity
– Linguistic and semantic checks
– Choice of a final name and Registration of the name
– Communication of the new Trademark